Wednesday, 26 January 2011


You may have noticed that the beginner’s blog has not been too upbeat of late. I think the month of January has affected me more than I would like to admit. I always remember the journalist Robert Crampton saying that he normally has the ‘New Year New You’ feeling in September as opposed to January. He put this down to old school days, September being the month when new shoes and a new pencil case symbolise a fresh start, a clean slate. I can definitely relate to this.

However, get through January we must and if magazines and Sunday supplements are to be believed then we are supposed to be doing in whilst drinking carrot juice and with a new found spring in our step. Obviously, from my tone you can probably tell that I am struggling with this concept.

However, on a run the other day I was reminded of just how liberating running is. When reading ‘Thoosa Inspired’ something that is often repeated is that you can run anywhere, that’s why it’s such a fantastic thing to do. And once you’re out, you see remarkable things, or see ordinary things through a different light. Either way, above is a picture of a beautiful sight that, had I not been on a run, I would have missed. Inspirational indeed. Oh, and I signed myself up for a 10K.

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