Thursday, 27 January 2011


One of Thoosa’s favourite Christmas presents came in the form of a fantastic book called 30 Great Runs in London. In the age of the I-pad, I-phones and I-everything it’s actually really lovely to read a book about running. It’s great to be able to delve in and out, learning a little bit about the city along the way. It’s kept in my bag so on a commute I can read all that the city has to offer, for a local and also importantly, for a visitor.

As everyone knows running can be done anywhere, no gym membership required, and if anything, this wonderful book reminds you of this.
It’s fantastically written, divided into five sections of locality, each run has an introductory page that highlights the route and summarises key information that helps you choose the right run for your capability, your mood, or even the scenery you feel like being surrounded by.

This book makes a great present or just a treat for you. Either way it’s a must for any runner anywhere.

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