Thursday, 28 October 2010


Urgh, if I’m completely honest, which I try to be as often as I can, I’ve found running this week to be a bit of a slog. Not a chore, but definitely more difficult than my last couple of runs. In the third week of my programme the pace changes slightly and I actually found the five minute walk and now ten minute run quite challenging, more so than I thought I would.

Admittedly, I think I was unlucky with the weather. Last week I harped on about the power of nature and how running by the Thames somehow inspired me. This week all I could think was how the forces of nature were most definitely conspiring against me, it’s been cold, it’s been wet and I’m moaning, and it’s not even November.

Perhaps I’m just having a bad week, but my five minute walk couldn’t come fast enough. Luckily my ipod was blasting with a favourite old album of mine. I kept thinking; concentrate on the music, over and over. And then it was over. I settled into the walk far too easily. Luckily, as I’ve mentioned before, the effects of my run felt almost instant. I also felt some sort of smug satisfaction, following a training programme, developing as a runner. Obviously I still had another ten minute run to complete before I could feel too happy with myself, and sure enough, before I knew it, my time was up and I was running again. I felt slightly more positive now however. Perhaps it was the knowledge that in less than fifteen minutes I would be in the warm with a lovely cup of tea. Not a bad spare half hour.

By the way, a quick tip to keep you warm whilst running. On the last Thoosa shoot the models were shot wearing Thoosa Comp shorts over Chill tights. I tried this on my last run and it worked a treat. I felt warm, stylish and had the bonus of another pocket, lovely.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010


Thoosa loves the fact that a new study has shown that 55% of people who own a dog feel more relaxed than those who don’t. At Thoosa we have long believed this to be true! As Thoosa fans will know, Caroline is the proud owner of the very beautiful and seriously well-behaved Bailey. I also, am the happy owner of Bob, a slightly (very!) naughty Pugalier (a Pug crossed with a King Charles Cavalier) who, it turns out, is a great running companion and complete magnet for just about anyone walking along the road. In addition, the research found that 44% of dog owners feel more relaxed and less worried about money and job security. Who needs therapy when you have a man’s best friend?

Tuesday, 26 October 2010


Flicking through the November issue of Zest magazine, Thoosa was thrilled to see that our City Capri has been chosen as the best capri to carry your MP3 player whilst running. Personally, I’ve found them to be fabulous investment. They look great, the back pocket is really convenient and the slight loose fit around the knee is a lovely twist on a traditional design. They also feel as good in my yoga class as they do whilst running in the park. A perfect all year round investment.

Monday, 25 October 2010


Thoosa reviews the November issue of Women's Running

It’s starting to get really chilly outside. If you’re looking for a reason to brave the elements then buy this magazine. The “25 Reasons to Love Running” will provide, well, 25 reasons as to why running is brilliant! Apart from the obvious (and pretty girly) fact that a 30 minute run burns, on average, the same number of calories as found in a bar of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk (always good to know), I also love the fact that, people who take part in ‘green exercise’ (outdoor exercise), feel less stressed and happier. Particularly, I’m also very found of fact 21. Apparently buying new running kit makes you feel more confident and happier on your run, ‘if you look like a runner, you’ll feel like a runner’. Thoosa couldn’t agree more! If you haven’t invested in some new kit for winter, then visit our wonderful online shop. I’ve got my eye on the Chill Zip in Rose, lovely.
There’s a fantastic article about speed sessions. Being a pretty novice runner the first time a friend mentioned the ‘Fartlek’ technique I think I spat out my tea. Anyway, Fartlek is Swedish for ‘speed play’ and is described as having ‘no prescriptive boundaries – it’s simply a continuous run’ I love this concept) interspersed with anything from sprinting to fast walking. The benefits of this are that you are pushed beyond your comfort zone and your overall endurance, pace and fitness should be enhanced. Personally I don’t feel ready to plan a speed session, but it’s nice to know that you can always develop as a runner, and that your routine can always be enhanced.

‘Playing It Safe’ is definitely worth a read if, like me, you mainly run alone. There are some incredibly valuable, straightforward precautionary tips that can be adopted to make you feel happier and more secure whilst pounding the pavements. Some tips may seem pretty simple but I certainly have felt more aware since reading this article, and that can’t be a bad thing.

The regular ‘health issues’ pages are factual as always. The snippets of information are a useful reminder of how you can improve you fitness and health without actually doing too much. I also love the ‘letters’ page. As we at Thoosa have found, sometimes it’s the real life stories from everyday runners who can inspire you the most. Larissa from London felt compelled to start running again, having stopped after being diagnosed with uterine cancer and having to undergo major therapy, after reading Women’s Running. If she’s braving the cold, I reckon I can too!

Verdict - a pretty motivational magazine. You can also visit the women’s running website at


This week James Brown from Manchester shares his running experiences with Thoosa Inspired.

1.       When did you start running and why?

I have loved running ever since I was a little boy. Cross country running was a fundamental part of the Games/P.E timetable at junior school and where others loathed it I really looked forward to it (sad really!). I represented the school and then the North West before moving to Senior School and playing other sports until I started work in my early 20s and rediscovered running.

2.       Why is running more appealing to you than other forms of exercise?

A big thing is the ease of it. As a general rule wherever you are you can run - all you need is a pair of trainers. More generally, other forms of exercise never make me feel quite as good.

3.       What has been your biggest challenge as a runner?

My first marathon - London 2003. I had read about "The Wall" and that it would hit at mile 18. I was fine at mile 18 and (stupidly) thought to myself "you must be fitter than you thought". I was very wrong and at mile 21 I crashed mentally and physically. I carried on running and could hear whimpering behind me. It sounded like someone running just a step behind but when I turned round no-one was there and it was me!! Not the manliest sound in the world....

4.       What has been your most memorable running experience?

Finishing my first marathon. It is embarrassing to admit but I was a tiny bit tearful!

5.       Do you find that running helps you in other areas of your life?

It is an enormous stress reliever. If I am feeling down or work is particularly challenging it helps me get my head straight and make me feel good.

6.       What makes you pull yourself out of bed in the dark winter mornings and get outside?

The feeling of satisfaction and the "buzz" you get from running always (well almost always!) outweighs a bit of cold!

7.       What’s your favourite way to unwind after a run?

This is an awful thing to admit but shower, beer and curry. Some say that defeats the object. I say that is one of the key benefits of running.

8.       Do you run socially or on your own?

Mostly on my own now but all of my marathon training was done with a friend and it REALLY helped to keep motivated.

9.       What’s your favourite piece of running kit?

I am now on my 7th pair of Nike Air Pegasus. I buy a pair a year and they have never let me down.

10.   Do you have any favourite running tunes?

Anything by The Killers.

11.   Do you prefer running in the gym or outside?

It depends. I love the fact you can regulate your distance and gradient so for intervals I much prefer gym training. I also love the fact it is not weather dependant. That said running in the Lake District has to be one of the greatest pleasures of life.

12.   What other exercise do you enjoy?
I now do triathlon and quite enjoy the cycling but love the swimming. I also love playing most team sports.

Sunday, 24 October 2010


Today was Bailey's 2nd birthday, which I can't really believe because she's just as crazy as the day we got her.  But she has proven to be a fantastic running companion.  She's responsible for my morning runs which I've grown to love.  I used to prefer running at the end of the day as a way to relax after work but there's no doubt that it's tough to find the motivation in the evening, not least when the days are drawing in.  So my day usually starts with a morning run around the local parks which are beautifully quiet apart from other runners and dog-walkers.  It's a great way to enjoy a big, busy city, particularly on the weekends before the crowds come out.  This morning Bailey enjoyed a bit of a dip in the Serpentine as a birthday treat!

Saturday, 23 October 2010


I was in Waterstones today and this book jumped off the shelf at me.  I had a quick look at the back cover which had the following quote:

"This is the funniest book ever written about marathon training - an essentially absurd process that is taken too seriously by far too many runners.  This is a must-read for couch potatoes who accidentally sign up for this ambitious athletic event and then think, oh my god, what have I done?"

After that endorsement I couldn't put it down and I have already enjoyed the Introduction by author Dawn Dais the self-proclaimed "worst runner in the world". As she rightly asks, why would anyone want to take marathon training tips from her?  Her answer is that it will be good for your self-esteem.  She says this:

"When you're in week 10 of your training and your feet suddenly turn into brick weights that you must drag along for miles at a time, do you really think you'll find comfort and inspiration from a runner/ author who could run from here to Argentina with a lethal combination of willpower and calf muscles?  No, you need someone whose lack of real running talent or inclination will make you feel great about your own mediocre skills.  And I am just that someone to make you feel like a star".

If you want to find out more about the book, click here to see Dawn's website which has the inspirational tagline Get off your butt!

Friday, 22 October 2010


We're delighted to learn that our Chill Tights have been tested in the November issue of Running Free magazine.  For those of you who don't know Running Free, it's an independent magazine specialising in running and fitness.  You'll find it free in your local running shop.  Visit their website to find out which shops have it.


If you haven't heard of The Good Web Guide then drop everything and check it out immediately!  It's the definitive guide to life online (their words not mine but it sums up the site beautifully).  I'm particularly enjoying their guest edits (this week it's Stephen Fry) who say which are their favourite websites.  I could go on and on about it but the news is that Thoosa is now one of their recommended sites. What more can I say!!

Click here to read the review.

Thursday, 21 October 2010


This week Thoosa has been raiding the shelves of our local newsagent. We’re loving the numerous freebies available with many of the November magazines. Elle gives you the gorgeous Clinique Superbalm, which featured in our “Favourite Five” earlier this month. Marie Claire offers a fantastic Ciate nail varnish worth £9; a vivacious red that will definitely provide a vibrant edge to the camel hues that are dominating the women’s wear palette this season. In Style offers a lovely L’Occitane hand cream that smells delicious and should keep your hands super soft and protected against the harsh effects of winter winds. In addition, each magazine has some great articles and style tips which, together with the free gifts on offer, ensure that your pounds go a long long way. Good stuff.  

Wednesday, 20 October 2010


Despite the great enthusiasm I had for running last week, I approached my Tuesday run with mild reluctance. Perhaps it was the idea of the park that was putting me off. The training programme for my second week is the same as the first. The thought of running round the exact same park doing the exact same run for another week seemed a little mundane, repetitive. So, I decided to mix it up. Decked out in my lovely thoosa attire (now it’s getting chilly I’m making use of my thoosa mid sleeve tee in sky, layered over my city tank in rose - I love the contrast of the rose colour fluting out from under the sky tee) I headed to the Southbank.

Possibly one of my favourite places in London, I’ve always loved running along this stretch of the river and beyond. Still fairly early the area wasn’t packed full of tourists and I was able to pound the sidewalk and take in the beautiful view. Walking and running provided the perfect opportunity to appreciate the splendour of the river. Sometimes in London, surrounded by concrete and vast glass buildings you can forget how important and powerful nature is. It has an effect on you. Running by the Thames I had an overwhelming feeling of its importance and magnitude. This is a pretty inspiring feeling to have whilst exercising, especially whilst running, which can be such a solitary game. It made me more conscious of my movement and that sense of power that running can achieve. Energising stuff indeed!

As the river was out I had an opportunity to walk along the “beach front” and take some great pictures that I thought I’d share. Looking at them, I am reminded of why I love to run. You get a mental high but also a pure physical thrill. And look at the beautiful views that I would have missed had I not left the house. Verdict, a great run.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010


We’ve been inspired by Jessica Ennis, World Heptathlon Champion. In the September/October issue of Sport Sisters Jessica let us into a secret. She reckons that being well groomed at an event is a pretty important part of the winning process, “it’s all part of feeling good about yourself and being prepared for the day”.

In her honour we’ve tested some lip balms and glosses that may make you feel a little more prepared for your run, day or even the night ahead.

1) Clinique Superbalm Moisturising Gloss (£12.50)

Whilst running, this super moisturising balm made my lips feel well protected against the wind. It also provides a great, subtle colour, great in pale winter months when I feel I look completely washed out. A really lovely subtle gloss.

2) Simple Kind To Lips Intensive Lip Moisturiser (£2.99)

This has no colour or perfume, which is great if, like me, on certain days, you don’t feel like making too much of effort but still want your lips to look and feel great. A perfect no frills choice.

3) Kiehls Lip Gloss (£13.00)

A real treat for the lips. It provides fantastic non-sticky hydration and is available in 7 flattering shades, so you should find at least one colour that suits.

4) Burt’s Beeswax Lip Balm (£3.49)

This balm is packed full of pain relieving, nourishing goodness that soothed my lips, even whilst running. Just reading the list of ingredients makes you feel healthy! It also has a really gorgeous scent. The Burt’s range is extensive so if you’re looking for a coloured balm you should be able to find that on the website too.

5) Laura Mercier Lip Balm (16.50)

The most expensive of the lip balms we tried, however it definitely delivered its promise of protecting lips from the environment. My lips felt protected and nourished and also slightly fuller. The balm created a naturally glossy shine without any annoying stickiness; perfect for running.

Saturday, 16 October 2010


I admit, my great, “getting back into running” plan has experienced a few setbacks of late. Firstly there was tonsillitis. Then I picked up an annoying little cold that made me ache, grumble and splutter for a good four or five days.

And then it was Monday. As I wondered, sleepily into my sister’s room (we share a flat), she asked how I was feeling, if I was actually going through with my grand, Sunday night idea, of going for a Monday morning run. I explained that, although I obviously sounded much better, I still felt pretty exhausted and, reluctantly, thought it best not to push myself. Her annoying boyfriend pointed out that it’s always thought easier to write about stuff as opposed to doing it. Hmmm...right I thought! I almost replied “WHATEVER”, then realising I was thirty, not thirteen. I refrained.

Five minutes later I was in my fabulous thoosa kit. I looked the part. I talked the talk now time to walk the walk. Luckily for me the sun was shining. Properly shining, I was so glad I “pushed” myself into getting out.

I decided to stick with Week 1 of my ‘Beginners’ Guide’ The five minute fast walk to start with was brilliant. Following a programme made me feel far less intimidated by the other runners in the park. I walked with purpose, knowing I was sticking to a training programme; very important. The five minute run that followed was fairly easy but equally I was relieved when it was over. As I settled back into another five minute walk, I was amazed how I felt. The walk allowed me to appreciate the effect of my, all be it very short, run instantly. This is the exact feeling that you want when running. I wanted to start running again, to continue the effects, making my legs feel stronger, making me feel stronger. Running with almost instant gratification was the perfect way to start the week. This could be the start of something good.


Friday, 15 October 2010


Thoosa has been loving that fact that it’s national wool week (11 – 17 October 2010 The project aims to promote the versatility and sustainability of this natural fibre with the intention of increasing demand, which has been declining recently. Heaps of high profile brands are supporting the cause, such as Jigsaw, Hobbs and Lyle & Scott. As part of the campaign, London has been overrun with sheep, be it the ones sprayed yellow and herded down Oxford street, as Selfridges did their part for the cause, or the ones that were allowed to graze for the day on the specially turfed gilded streets of Savile Row.

National wool week reminded us at Thoosa of our favourite online place to shop for comforting scrumptious knitwear. If you haven’t already, take a peek at Hush ( Hush offers a fantastic range of loungewear, perfect for snuggling up in after a long run. The Big Sloppy Cardi seems like a winter essential, though, we admit, we covet pretty much the entire collection. Watch out wallets.

If you’re feeling slightly more creative and crafty check out This adorable website provides gorgeous gifts like a love heart scarf for your favourite person or even great inspiration if you’re looking for a new hobby and think you might give knitting a go.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010


At Thoosa we’re feeling pretty pleased with ourselves press wise this month. The Thoosa City Capri is selected as one of the best Capri pants on the market in Women’s Running and Body Fit name the Thoosa Chill Tights as the perfect running bottoms to keep the bite out of the air through the chilliest months. Get yours before the frost sets in.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010


This week Thoosa Inspired chats to Ms Thoosa herself, Caroline. Having run nearly every marathon imaginable, Caroline exemplifies the concept that running can be more than a hobby or part of a fitness regime. In fact it appears, from the observer, that to Caroline it’s a lifestyle, but not one that intimidates, it just makes sense. This idea, I believe, is reflected in the Thoosa brand and design as a whole. The clothes are designed to make you feel sporty they fit the purpose perfectly yet in addition are comfortable and feminine. After a run, if I was caught buying a pint of milk at my local newsagent I wouldn’t mind. I might look sweaty, but I would know that I looked together, purposeful. I would know that my clothes at least would be looking good and I’d feel good.

1. When did you start running and why?

As you can see from the photo (that’s me in the middle!), I got the running bug at a young age. I started running at school and I think I enjoyed it because it was something that I was good at. Sport was my thing. By the time I was about 13 it was pretty uncool to run and most of my class would walk the 5km that we did in PE lessons. Not me; I was a running geek and proud of it!

2. Why is running more appealing to you than other forms of exercise?

The beauty of running is that you can do it whenever and wherever you want; you can do it on your own, in a group or with your dog (as I enjoy these days) and if you have the right kit, you can do it in practically any weather.

3. What has been your biggest challenge as a runner?

Over the years the biggest challenge has been to maintain a level of consistency. I tend to go through phases of running a lot and then not at all which I never understand as I love running! Somehow the work/ life balance gets out of kilter and I forget how important it is to me. I’ve just finished reading a great book called What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. The author, Haruki Murakami went through periods of his life when he ran every single day. I’d love to be that disciplined.

4. Do you find that running helps you in other areas of your life, for instance work?

Running is perfect for clearing the mind and for creative thinking. I have some of my best ideas when I’m running and I’m able to prioritise in a way that never comes easily staring at a computer. I also love day dreaming and I find that running is great for letting my mind wander which I find relaxing.

5. What makes you pull yourself out of bed in the dark winter mornings and get outside?

Having a dog is a great motivator. I have to take her for a walk anyway so it’s quicker and warmer to run (and we both have a good time).

6. What’s your favourite way to unwind after a run?

I know the theory about the benefits of ice baths but I love a really hot bath with essential oils – followed by a hot chocolate!

7. What has been your most memorable running moment?

There have been so many moments I can’t narrow it down to just one. I’ve done a few big city marathons and they have all been incredibly memorable – for both good and bad reasons. Other memorable experiences have been running in breathtakingly beautiful locations. Recently I was in Vancouver and on an early morning run Mr Thoosa and I came across the most stunning, deserted and wild beach (see photos below). Experiences like that are unforgettable.

8. Finally, what inspired the fabulous Thoosa brand?

As with many small businesses it started because I couldn’t find anything that I wanted to wear to run in. There seemed to be a gulf between the clothes that I wore in every day life and my running kit (which was unflattering, unfeminine and frankly uninspiring). I realised that there were many women like me who wanted to look good while exercising, particularly if that involved running in a city. So I took the bull by the horns and started the brand which, although challenging, I am pleased to say is going from strength to strength.

Friday, 8 October 2010


At Thoosa we love any excuse to go shopping, especially if it’s for a good cause. This October is breast cancer awareness month. Every year leading cancer charities and household names work together for a month to raise the profile of this illness. As a result, some of your favourite products and shops have turned pink. There are heaps of products that you can purchase where a percentage of the profit goes to this incredible charity. Thoosa have picked some of our favourites.

1) Kenwoods kitchen mixer is surely an essential for any stylish home (£349.99, 100% donation,;

2) Estee Lauder’s Pure Color Glosses have been designed by Liz Hurley, they allow you to feel and look fabulous, all in the name of charity. Perfect (£25, 33% donation,;

3) Gardening just got a lot more appealing with Yeoman’s pink garden gloves (£4.99, 20% donation,;

4) Perfect to curl up in, preferably with a hot cup of cocoa, after an evening run, these cashmere socks should see you through the worst winter nights ( £28, 10% donation,

Thursday, 7 October 2010


Thoosa reviews the October issue of Men's Running

Having found Women’s Running to be such a great magazine we thought we’d take a sneak peak at the new boys version, the launch edition of Men’s Running. The UK’s first running magazine just for men.

I felt like a bit of a cheat reading this, I’m obviously (I hope obviously!) not the target audience. But I must admit I think women find it easier to read men’s magazines than the other way round. Our magazines seem to be packed with pictures of slim women, providing, apparent, inspiration. Men’s magazines are often packed full of pictures of the same (a weird world). Incredibly this one is not! In fact there were lots of lovely shots of men and their bulging calf muscles, enough to brighten up any grey Monday morning. In addition, it also provides a different approach, a different view of running.

Like its sister edition it’s full of interesting features, nutritional tips and expert knowledge. However, in contrast, instead of a “Weight Loss” section in the Contents page the men’s addition has a “Man vs Food” category, focussing on the “indisputable proof that (some) fat is the future”. Also, visually it seems to have more of an impact, the pictures are more dominant and overall the magazine seems less bitty. If weight loss isn’t your main objective for running then this magazine provides a refreshing alternative.

There are great articles which are definitely not for the exclusive interest of men. Being a huge fan of Ellie Goulding, and because I love running to music, I was really excited to read about her Run Into The Light mixtape. Made in collaboration with Radio 1’s Alex Metric, it’s intended to be the perfect, uplifting accompaniment to a half-hour run. I couldn’t wait to download it.

Most enjoyable was an article written about Chris Brasher. I’m ashamed to admit I knew nothing of this great runner, an Olympian and a true visionary. Having witnessed the New York marathon he, “pressured and persuaded the nation to accept running as a perfectly reasonable hobby”, the London marathon was born, and with it, a whole nation was inspired. The impact that this would have on the concept of running as a past-time, to the nation’s attitude to fitness, to its health, even to how it would raise money for charity cannot be underestimated. Reading about this man truly inspired me, not just to run but in my attitude and approach to my whole day. Exactly the sort of article I want from a magazine.

So, don’t be put off by the title. This magazine was great. Maybe I wouldn’t buy a copy for myself. I do think I’d stick to the Women’s edition. However, if I saw a copy lying around I would definitely read it again. Running is universal, not dependant on gender and inspiration can be found in lots of places, including this magazine.

Monday, 4 October 2010


It hasn’t stopped raining since I got back from sunny Vancouver on Friday. All my good intentions of starting a new running routine have been washed away and I’ve hardly left the house. But then the cover of the November issue of Runner’s World caught my eye with an article on the 8 Best New Trail Shoes.

One thing I noticed running last winter was how wet my feet got in normal trainers and so trail shoes seem the way forward and are on my shopping list. RW suggest that I look for trail trainers with weather-proofing and the article tested the trainers for how they functioned on wet grass (my usual running surface). RW say the best all-rounder is the New Balance 876 and the best for wet conditions is the Salomon Speedcross 2 GTX. Armed with this new-found knowledge I’ll be off to my local Runner’s Need – as soon as it stops raining!

Sunday, 3 October 2010



30 September 2010 – 16 January 2011
Gauguin Exhibition at the Tate Modern

2 October 2010 – 10 October 2010
Wimbledon Bookfest

4 October 2010 – 18 October 2010
London Restaurant Festival

9 October 2010
Westonbirt Arboretum, Autumn Fruits and Berries Walk

13 October 2010 – 28 October 2010
54th BFI London Film Festival


Because we understand that it’s important to kick off the running shoes from time to time and slip into something a little more ... glamorous. Thoosa is loving Selfridges’ new shoe department, the biggest single shoe destination in the world. From Uggs and Havaianas to Louboutin and Chanel, prepare yourself; this place is a true treat for your feet. You have been warned!

Saturday, 2 October 2010


3 October 2010

Scotland Kilomathon (

The Run ’10 Northamptonshire(

10 October 2010

Robin Hood Adventure Challenge (

Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon(

Sheffield Endcliffe Park Ten Ten Ten 10K(

24 October 2010

Bupa Great South Run (

EDF Energy Birmingham Half Marathon 10(
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