Thursday, 28 October 2010


Urgh, if I’m completely honest, which I try to be as often as I can, I’ve found running this week to be a bit of a slog. Not a chore, but definitely more difficult than my last couple of runs. In the third week of my programme the pace changes slightly and I actually found the five minute walk and now ten minute run quite challenging, more so than I thought I would.

Admittedly, I think I was unlucky with the weather. Last week I harped on about the power of nature and how running by the Thames somehow inspired me. This week all I could think was how the forces of nature were most definitely conspiring against me, it’s been cold, it’s been wet and I’m moaning, and it’s not even November.

Perhaps I’m just having a bad week, but my five minute walk couldn’t come fast enough. Luckily my ipod was blasting with a favourite old album of mine. I kept thinking; concentrate on the music, over and over. And then it was over. I settled into the walk far too easily. Luckily, as I’ve mentioned before, the effects of my run felt almost instant. I also felt some sort of smug satisfaction, following a training programme, developing as a runner. Obviously I still had another ten minute run to complete before I could feel too happy with myself, and sure enough, before I knew it, my time was up and I was running again. I felt slightly more positive now however. Perhaps it was the knowledge that in less than fifteen minutes I would be in the warm with a lovely cup of tea. Not a bad spare half hour.

By the way, a quick tip to keep you warm whilst running. On the last Thoosa shoot the models were shot wearing Thoosa Comp shorts over Chill tights. I tried this on my last run and it worked a treat. I felt warm, stylish and had the bonus of another pocket, lovely.

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