Monday, 25 October 2010


This week James Brown from Manchester shares his running experiences with Thoosa Inspired.

1.       When did you start running and why?

I have loved running ever since I was a little boy. Cross country running was a fundamental part of the Games/P.E timetable at junior school and where others loathed it I really looked forward to it (sad really!). I represented the school and then the North West before moving to Senior School and playing other sports until I started work in my early 20s and rediscovered running.

2.       Why is running more appealing to you than other forms of exercise?

A big thing is the ease of it. As a general rule wherever you are you can run - all you need is a pair of trainers. More generally, other forms of exercise never make me feel quite as good.

3.       What has been your biggest challenge as a runner?

My first marathon - London 2003. I had read about "The Wall" and that it would hit at mile 18. I was fine at mile 18 and (stupidly) thought to myself "you must be fitter than you thought". I was very wrong and at mile 21 I crashed mentally and physically. I carried on running and could hear whimpering behind me. It sounded like someone running just a step behind but when I turned round no-one was there and it was me!! Not the manliest sound in the world....

4.       What has been your most memorable running experience?

Finishing my first marathon. It is embarrassing to admit but I was a tiny bit tearful!

5.       Do you find that running helps you in other areas of your life?

It is an enormous stress reliever. If I am feeling down or work is particularly challenging it helps me get my head straight and make me feel good.

6.       What makes you pull yourself out of bed in the dark winter mornings and get outside?

The feeling of satisfaction and the "buzz" you get from running always (well almost always!) outweighs a bit of cold!

7.       What’s your favourite way to unwind after a run?

This is an awful thing to admit but shower, beer and curry. Some say that defeats the object. I say that is one of the key benefits of running.

8.       Do you run socially or on your own?

Mostly on my own now but all of my marathon training was done with a friend and it REALLY helped to keep motivated.

9.       What’s your favourite piece of running kit?

I am now on my 7th pair of Nike Air Pegasus. I buy a pair a year and they have never let me down.

10.   Do you have any favourite running tunes?

Anything by The Killers.

11.   Do you prefer running in the gym or outside?

It depends. I love the fact you can regulate your distance and gradient so for intervals I much prefer gym training. I also love the fact it is not weather dependant. That said running in the Lake District has to be one of the greatest pleasures of life.

12.   What other exercise do you enjoy?
I now do triathlon and quite enjoy the cycling but love the swimming. I also love playing most team sports.

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